Three Forks is located 30 miles west of Bozeman on I-90. Home to around 1,800 residents (2,100 including surrounding area), Three Forks is a thriving town that retains its Old-West charm. The Jefferson, Madison and Gallatin River converge here to form the Missouri River and the Headwaters State Park providing miles of accessible blue-ribbon trout fishing. There are many recreational opportunities, including the paved Headwaters Trails System that runs throughout the town and all the way to Headwaters State Park. For golfers, there’s the Headwaters Public Golf Course which features a 9-hole course against a background of scenic panoramas. For rodeo fans, the annual Three Forks Rodeo and Parade brings friends and neighbors alike to the rodeo grounds every July. For music lovers, a short drive down HWY 287/HWY 2 will find you at “The Bridge” – home to 2 major music festivals as well as the historic Lewis and Clark Caverns.
- Lewis and Clark Caverns
- Rockin’ the Rivers and Headwaters Country Jam
- Three Forks School District
- Copper City Bike Park
Home Values
The median home price of Three Forks is $549,000 and $150,000 for land. In the last several years (2021-2023) home prices have increased by 15% and land prices by 87%. Although prices are more affordable in this part of the Gallatin Valley, they are increasing dramatically with little inventory.
Food/Beverage & Activities in Three Forks
- Sacajawea Dining and Bar
- Iron Horse Cafe
- Wheat Montana
- The Shoppe Pastry and Coffeehouse
- Pompey’s Grill
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