Four Corners stands at the cross roads of Highway 191 and Huffine Lane making this area a great central location in Gallatin Valley. Hop over to Bozeman in 10 min, Big Sky in 40, Belgrade in 10 and Norris in 30. This area’s resources have expanded immensely in the past 10 years, with bountiful infrastructure for businesses and homes making this area a great area to settle down.
The median home value in this area of Four Corners is $849K and $569K for land. In the last 2 years the median home price has increased by about 45% and land by about 250%! Prices vary widely depending on where you are in this area as well. The closer to Bozeman you generally are going to see higher pricing while closing to Norris prices tend to decrease relative to the type of property/land.
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