Livingston, formally known as Clark’s City in the late 1800s, was a hub for the Northern Pacific Railway. Renamed for a Railway Executive, Crawford Livingston, this town boasted locomotive repair stations, prosperous agricultural, and mining opportunities. As Livingston matured throughout the 1900s, Livingston became an artists mecca. There are over 20 art galleries in this town of 8,000 people. There is no shortage of outdoor access as well being located on the world renown Yellowstone River, up against the Absaroka Mountains, and a skip away from the Crazy Mountains.
- Hotel & Saloon at the Murray
- Float and Fish the Yellowstone – The Yellowstone Stone Angler
- Gallery Hop
- Chico Hot Springs
Home Values
The median home value year to date in Livingston is $449,000 and land price is $164,000. Home prices over the last 3 years (2021-2023) increased by 20% and land prices by 58%! These prices are looking at Livingston proper and not diving into Paradise Valley which is a whole different, and more expensive, ballgame. Throughout 2023, Livingston continues to see major demand and increase in pricing.
Food & Beverage in LivingstonÂ
- Campione
- 2nd Street Bistro
- Neptune’s Brewery
- Marks In & Out
- Whiskey Creek’s Bar
- The Owl Lounge
- Gil’s Goods
- Montana’s Rib and Chop House
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